Name – Vatham Kolli/Justicia gendarussa
Binomial Name – Justicia gendarussa Burm.f.
Buy Vatham Kolli/Justicia gendarussa Plant online India
Justicia gendarussa, commonly known as Willow-leaved justicia (Marathi: बाकस, bakas, काळा अडुळसा, kala adulasa; Sanskrit: कसनः, kasanah, वैध्यसिंहा, vaidyasinha),Lapsulis in Creole Seychelles; is a small erect, branched shrub.
J. gendarussa is harvested for its leaves for the treatment of various ailments.
It is said to be useful for the treatment of asthma, rheumatism and colics of children.
Justicia gendarussa is Used as a treatment for skin problems like eczema. It may have the potential to be the basis for a birth control pill for men.
The plant was proved to have both anti-microbial and anti-fungal action on selected pathogen strains, and therefore this plant can be used to develop herbal drugs.
The juice of the leaves can be drizzled into the ear for earache. To treat external edema, an oil made from the leaves can be used.
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